 8es Journées Internationales de Linguistique de Corpus
2-4 sept 2015 Orleans   (France) 


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Venue, Travel and Accommodation

Hôtel Dupanloup

1 rue Dupanloup, 45000 Orléans

Virtual visit :



Access, on foot, from the OrleansCentre train station




South-west direction  to "la Place Albert 1er"


Turn right to "la Place Albert 1er"


Turn left to "le boulevard Alexandre Martin" (D97)


Turn right to "le boulevard Alexandre Martin"


Turn right to "la rue Antoine Petit"


Turn left to "la rue des Bons Enfants"


Turn right to "la rue Serpente"


Turn left to "la rue Dupanloup"




Access, by car from the OrleansCentre train station




Take west direction to the road D97 toward D2020


Turn right to the D2020 road


Turn the first left and stay on the D2020 road


Stay on left lane and continue to the D2020 road


Turn left on "le boulevard de Verdun" (D97)


Turn right on "la place Halmagrand"


Continue on "la rue Fernand Rabier"


Au roundabout, take second exit to "la rue Dupanloup"


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